To enter The Pirate World on solid ground you have to cross a wooden bridge marked by the time and ghosts of the seven seas,The Pirate Bridge.If you manage to do this you have to show your entering card to the gorgeous pirate guard woman at the gates of this place who don’t let anyone enter without an exchange of your collected treasures on this earth.This is the price to pay for a ever lasting afterlife in The Pirate World ... I think ... Maybe ... Actually not sure ... Aaaahh wtf,just walk The Pirate Bridge. :)
(Above translated into ordinary human language.The Government wrote the laws and never asked for a solution.The Government stoled my money with no explanation at all besides the law they wrote.
I want my f____g money back in the way this Government wrote these laws,in The Pirate way !.)

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De Sju Haven,
The Pirate Bridge
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